Digital Rehab
You will be billed immediately upon purchase, as well as monthly after that for as long as you remain a Member.
If you are unsatisfied for any reason within the first 14 days, just contact us and let us know that you would like a refund. We will grant that request and remove your access to the program.
Ask away! Think of us as your coach and physical therapist. For health, fitness, nutrition or mindset questions, join an office hours session! We monitor our private member Facebook group and our technical support email and phone 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday (PST).
Our platform is optimized for any modern device. You can use the program on your smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Every exercise or challenge has written and video instructions. Read and listen carefully to the cues you are given for each exercise or movement, as there’s a ton of knowledge distilled into that guidance. You can also contact us for more help.
While access to a gym is useful, it is not required. If you do not have access to equipment, there are workarounds for most exercises.
If you do everything each programmed day (and you should), the exercises take 40-60 minutes to complete.
Our programs and challenges can be used by just about anyone. If you would like to talk to us about your specific diagnosis/diagnoses, schedule a time to talk with one of our docs.
Great question. This, of course, varies: some folks feel distinct differences as early as the end of the first week. For others, it takes a bit longer. If done properly, you will feel better and be more likely to avoid further issues while on our program.
Let's start by agreeing that your progress is dependent upon your diligence. Each week, your weekly program is revealed to you. However, if you do miss a week, those are all available to you in your Member Area at any time.
Physical Therapy
Each visit is a 1-on-1 session with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. The first visit is typically an evaluation with some level of actual movement and mobility-based treatment. We assess your condition by watching your movement patterns, along with discussing your history and performing a series of specific tests. Upon identifying the cause(s) of your limitation or pain, we develop and begin a customized exercise and treatment plan to help you achieve your goals.
If possible, wear what you would normally wear in your activity of choice. You will most likely be moving during each visit, so comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement and allows us to access the parts of the body we are focusing on together.
Note that there are restrooms at each location, so you can change out of other clothes if necessary.
We accept PPO insurance plans. Currently we accept Blue Shield, Cigna, TriCare, and United PPO plans. If you are not insured by any of those, we do provide out-of-network services for other insurers.
For out-of-pocket and out-of-network visits, we can provide you with a “Super Bill” that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Please note that reimbursement amounts will vary considerably by insurance company and your specific policy, and that your insurance company may not reimburse you at all. It is always a good idea to get a doctor’s prescription and prior insurance approval if you are interested in a Super Bill.
We find that our treatment philosophy helps people get back to their activities faster than traditional physical therapy, chiropractic, or other methods. This often means that your total out-of-pocket expenses will be LESS than through an insurance-determined treatment regimen.
That may depend on your particular insurance. Generally you will not, as in California you can go directly to a Doctor of Physical Therapy without a doctor’s referral. However, if you have had a major injury or are in severe acute pain, we may suggest you visit your doctor (or even an ER).
Your initial session is typically 60 minutes, with subsequent visits designated as either 30 minute or 60 minute sessions. Each person’s performance or treatment plan is different, with improvement or recovery times dependent on a number of factors, including your body’s response and your willingness to follow your plan in between visits.
That said, we find that most of our out-of-pocket clients require less than four (4) visits to improve.
Contact Us
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions or feedback. We’re here to help!
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