5 Ways to Get Over Heartache on Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is the most romantic day of the year, right? As is true with most holiday’s, there’s a flipside that most people don’t think about. Valentine’s Day can be filled with romance and love and chocolates, but it can also be a day filled with heartache.
Heartache isn’t just reserved for Valentine’s Day and, despite popular belief, it isn’t just reserved for singles. Whether you’re going through a hard time (in or out of relationship) or you’re feeling lonely or down, we’re bringing you five ways to get rid of heartache and get on with living your best life!
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Exercise Your Heartache Away
Our number one way to rid yourself of heartache is EXERCISE! We’re so lucky in sunny San Diego where the weather is perfect about 99% of the time, but there are so many ways to get some exercise in even if you can’t get outside and go for a walk. Do some air squats, set a daily step goal, jump on the treadmill or rower, run sprints around your house. Whatever way you get it in, get that heart rate up and get some exercise!
Call Someone You Love
Most everyone has someone in their life that has the ability to always make them feel better. Which brings us to number two, call a friend or someone you love.
Whether it’s your best friend, a family member, or a co-worker who can always make you laugh, reaching out to someone you feel comfortable confiding in is a great way to lift your spirits. Isolation is going to make your heartache worse so don’t hesitate to reach out to your person and get some things off your chest.
Get Rid of Heartache by Focusing on the Positive
Number three: try, as best as you can, to focus on positive things. End every day with recounting three things that went well that day, however small they might be. Maybe you scored a great parking space, or your cup of coffee was just right that morning.
Those things seem minor, but the more you focus on the positive, the less likely you are to allow heartache to affect your mood. Remunerating on those positive things throughout the day will help you stay out of the negative loop and mindset.
Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude
After you end your day with positive things, try to wake up the next morning and focus on what you’re grateful for, which is point number four.
Focusing on gratitude is a sure-fire way to eliminate heartache and set yourself up for success. While this is similar to focusing on three positive things, gratitude forces you to examine the most basic aspects of your life that we too often forget about. Being grateful that you have that person to call from point two, or that you have a cup of coffee in the morning or food on your table, a roof over your head.
Grounding yourself with gratitude will help you feel so much better!
Pay it Forward
And lastly, help your heartache by doing something nice for someone else.
If you wake up feeling like a grouch, or are constantly finding yourself in a negative mindset, go do something nice for someone. It will quickly diminish your heartache to see the joy that you were able to bring to someone else’s life. Whether you take someone flowers, pay it forward at the coffee shop, or simply write a nice note to someone you’re grateful for (back to point number four) those little things will bring joy to them and you.
In conclusion, taking a walk, calling someone you love, thinking about good things that happened in your day, focusing on gratitude, and doing something nice for someone are great ways to cure a common case of heartache. Whether you combine them, or focus on one thing at a time, whatever ails you is sure to fade.