Sleep Challenge - Movement-Rx

The Movement Rx 12-Day Sleep Challenge

Are you letting your bad sleep habits get in the way of effectively leading your team? Are you feeling irritable and tired rather than focused and inspired?

There is finally an easy 12-Day process to kicking bad sleep habits to the curb and creating new, healthy ones.

It is a strikingly simple routine that can change your sleep, and improve the emotional AND physical aspects of your work and your life…all without medications.

Enter your info below to join the 12-Day Sleep Challenge!

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This Sleep Challenge is structured to help you build better sleep habits

Commit to the challenge and through better sleep, you will improve your decision making, boost your emotional intelligence, and lower your workday stress, all while feeling more rested!

This was created for you if any of the following feel true…

  • You are a leader who finds it difficult to turn off your brain at night to sleep
  • You sleep less than 7 hours per night, or feel unrefreshed in the mornings
  • You wake up often at night and can’t get back to sleep
  • You rely on caffeine to get you through the morning…and/or the afternoon slump
  • You have forgotten what it’s like to wake up with energy and focus
  • You find you have a short rope with your teams at work and are easily triggered
  • You are concerned about your physical health and longevity
  • You are questioning your capabilities or effectiveness as a leader


Leading others is a tough job. Leading yourself can sometimes be harder.

Why good sleep makes you a more effective leader:

High quality sleep optimizes decision making and strategizing.

Your decision-making is part of what makes you effective in your job. You need to think clearly, recognize patterns, and set your emotions aside.

When you don’t sleep well, you will tend to be more impulsive, more emotional, and less skilled at using the information you have to make decisions.

High quality sleep boosts emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness.

Insufficient sleep is bad for your daytime emotional functioning…and your colleagues can tell. Leaders who don’t sleep well are ranked as less effective in their interpersonal interactions by their peers and direct-reports.

High quality sleep lowers stress levels.

Poor sleep makes us more emotionally reactive. Daily work stress feels worse when we’re not sleeping well and make us easily triggered. Imagine being able to RESPOND, as opposed to REACTING.

Ready to Start the Sleep Challenge?

Unfortunately, you probably have some bad habits you might not even be aware of that are ruining your sleep quality!

Habits such as these could all be in the way of your peaceful slumber!

  • A lack of effective boundaries, such as emailing from bed
  • A poorly arranged environment, like having the heat on too high
  • Insufficient time outdoors or being active
  • Poor food choices

This can leave you irritable, foggy, and stressed at work, making you less effective in working with your people.

Sleep scientist Dr. Matthew Walker compares sleep more like landing a plane as opposed to turning off a light switch– it takes time and many chemical steps for the brain to make its descent down into the sleep state.

Committing to a set of sleep habits – and being consistent with them – can go a long way toward training the brain to make a soft, effortless landing!

We developed the sleep challenge to help you discover your hidden sleep disruptors and build habits throughout the ENTIRE DAY to give you the following.

*Actual data from those who have completed the Sleep Challenge.

*20% Improvement in Daytime Energy Levels

What would you do with that extra energy? Write your book? Play with your children or grandchildren?

*25 Minutes More Sleep Each Night

Lengthen your time asleep by 6% so your body and mind can restore and repair themselves for optimal function.

*11% Improvement in Sleep Quality

How much more refreshed would you feel by morning with fewer night-time wake-ups?

What you’ll get on the Challenge

  1. One challenge task per day designed to improve your sleep quality that SAME NIGHT
  2. Our “Starting Sleep Standards” list of the Top 6 Tips for Improving your Sleep
  3. Daily Digital Sleep Log to track your sleep hours and quality daily
  4. Daily Daytime Energy Log to track your daytime sleepiness and energy levels
  5. A trend report detailing your sleep and energy quality tied to the actions you took that day.

Meet The Challenge Creators

Those creators are Dr. Marissa Rescott, DPT, PhD(c) a Doctor of Physical Therapy, sleep researcher, and pain researcher and Dr. Theresa Larson, DPT a former Marine-Officer-turned Doctor of Physical Therapy and author of the book WARRIOR.

Dr. Marissa Rescott

DPT, PhD(c)

Physical Therapist, Sleep Researcher

Dr. Marissa is a musculoskeletal health expert, sleep researcher, and pain coach with a passion for helping others use lifestyle changes to level-up their lives.

She first became interested in sleep when she used to struggle with morning classes, meetings, and grogginess, always wishing for 5 more minutes. She eventually learned to cope using caffeine, but later realized that respecting her body’s need for sleep and strategically using light helped her to sleep better in her 30s than she had in her 20s and now, caffeine is OPTIONAL, rather than mandatory.

After years of listening to her patients struggles with pain, irritability, and overwhelm, Marissa is on a mission to help YOU optimize YOUR emotional and physical health using the least effort possible…through sleep.

Dr. Theresa Larson


Dr. T, as she’s widely known, is a musculoskeletal health and fitness expert, TEDx speaker, author and former USMC Officer. After losing her mother to cancer at 10 years old, she developed into a young woman who held herself to a standard of perfection – as an All-Conference D1 college athlete, as a national fitness competition champion, and as a US Marine.

But all these accomplishments masked a gnawing and growing chasm of anxiety and imposter syndrome, and an increasing sense of feeling out of control. After a particularly high-risk night convoy in Iraq, she knew she needed to find real help in order to be the leader her 80 Marines needed. However, asking for help led to her discharge from the Marine Corps, for which she felt confused, ashamed and a failure.

Knowing that physical health and movement helped her regain calm and focus, she embarked on a career in musculoskeletal health. Her experiences and expertise led her to the specialty health field of ‘mindful movement’, where she has become a thought leader.

In addition to treating and teaching the elements of mindful movement to 1,000s of people across 4 continents, Dr. Larson also takes her own medicine, practicing mindful fitness as a tool to down-regulate her mind and body.

Ready to See Your Own Results?

Discover and rid yourself of the bad habits interrupting your sleep so you can experience the energy and calm focus you need to lead your people from the front.

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